History Pages →
Superior Court

From John McDevitt: "This plate type has an interesting history; it is unknown when the plate type was first issued, but I saw one in 1997 — unfortunately no picture. That plate was yellow on blue and had SUPR as a prefix followed by a one or two-digit number like 4 or 04. Then in September of 1999 the plates were reissued on the www base. Plate were reissued on a number for number basis using the same format as the previous issue. Then in February 2002 the plates were redesigned and reissued in the current format. It is unknown how many of these plates are in use, but the series is reserved from S/C 01 to S/C 30."

Circa 1997 - 1999

Notes Number Plate Personalized Plate Sample Plate
- Likely serial range:
SUPR 1 (or SUPR 01) - SUPR 30

- Only one observed, no photos known
Not offered on this format

1999 - 2002

Notes Number Plate Personalized Plate Sample Plate
- Likely serial range:
SUPR 1 (or SUPR 01) - SUPR 30

- No photos known
Not offered on this format

2002 - present

Notes Number Plate Personalized Plate Sample Plate
- Observed serial range:
S/C 01 - S/C 30

- Sticker well at top-left

- Gold coat of arms seen on some plates

From Ned Flynn

From Tom Perri
Not offered on this format

- Observed serial:

From Ned Flynn
Not offered on this format